Welcome to GM Company for metal forming, machining and metal constructions industries.
It is one of Egyptian's metal working companies, providing and delivering a comprehensive service to the construction industries.
Area "321" A&B Ataka Industry Zone, Suez, Egypt
T +2012 233 34 592 / +201200285505 / +201288898
F +2062 335 71 95
Email info@gmsuez.com.eg
General Manager gaber@gmsuez.com.eg
Excutive manager hassan@gmsuez.com.eg
Supervision ismail@gmsuez.com.eg
Area "321" A&B Ataka Industry Zone
Suez, Egypt
T +2012 233 34 592 / +201200285505 / +201288898
F +2062 335 71 95
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